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LikesStrawberry flavored chocolate drink, Travelling, Aircraft, Peace, Friendship

Dislikes : Evil , Treason, Disloyalty, Liars

Zanoman is Simba Capeman’s best friend. He is the King of the planet called Khulado. He is a frequent to the planet Earth where his friend resides. He visits Simba Capeman to learn about the good work he is doing in the Lair City and replicates it on his planet too . Zanoman has special interest in science and technology and wants his planet to excel. He learns a lot from the head Lair Science University . Zanoman has a special vehicle which navigates him from one planet to the other. His planet has the green potion, which represents a clear soul. Zanoman extends his helping hand to Simba Capeman whenever needed. Both of them are very good friends and they also play prank on each other.

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