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How Comic Books Make You Smarter, According to Science

How Comic Books Make You Smarter, According to Science

When we were younger, we all did that thing where you pretend to read comic books when you were bored in class, even though the pictures of super heroes and villains were just meant to keep us occupied until we got home from school. Well, science says that maybe it wasn’t a complete waste of time after all! In fact, according to new research from Concordia University, reading comic books may make you smarter. Here’s how comic books can actually improve your mind as an adult.

What are comic books?

A comic book is a magazine or book whose format consists of sequential drawings that represent individual scenes. Though once considered mainly a children’s medium, comic books today serve many audiences. Like traditional literature and drama, comics can be distinguished from other works by their use of visual language; icons such as word balloons and sound effects are used to convey information visually rather than verbally.

The benefits of reading comic books

Of course you should read all kinds of books if you want to raise a smart child. But comic books are uniquely interesting because they combine story-telling with a functional component—visual literacy. Kids who read comics know how images work together on a page and have an easier time understanding nonfiction (like maps). As they learn to read and draw, young readers also learn that stories aren’t just words on paper but can be created by using images as well.

Why does it matter?

A recent study has concluded that comic books provide a crucial academic advantage. If you want your child to be successful in school (and eventually in their career), then make sure they read comic books. A lot of them. If you want your child to go down a different path, get rid of their comics—they’ll thank you later

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