How to be a super hero in 4 steps
Being the “Super Hero” is absolutely real. You can be a superhero with your heroic deeds. A super hero has power to do their work in very special way. So, to be a superhero, you need to have power of honesty, friendliness, humbleness and selflessness. One who possess these super powers should use that power to accomplish good deeds
- Friendship: – Friendship is first superpower to be super hero. It is the best gift that has been offered to human life. Be a good friend and make an effort to show care and love to your friends. If your friends are in need, you must be there to offer support to them. Being a good friend can help you to be a superhero.
- Honesty: – For being a super hero, you must be truthful to yourself first. You should always try to be honest with other people. But before that, you should practice being truthful to ourselves first. When we lie to others, we are intended to hurt them, and that is not good. So, do not lie to anyone. Your lies can harm and hurt others very harshly. Be truthful to be a real super hero.
- Humbleness: – Another super power for being a super hero is being humble to all. You can be humble when you are modest with zero arrogance. You must be humble to your family, friends, and elders and younger. A person with great power like humbleness is always be well-regarded and valued. You can win anyone’s heart with your humble behaviour. Your humble attitude can be the reason behind other’s happiness.
- Selflessness: – If you wish to be a super hero, you will have thought selfless. When you’re selfless, you start thinking of other people’s happiness other than yours. You should think about your siblings, people in real needs. If you’re selfless, you think less about yourself, and more about other people. To be the super hero you must be generous and kind.
Be the Real Super Hero!!
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